Sunday, 22 December 2019

Updates for Usrah Budi 3

For this time around, we had been informed that we need to conduct a programme that can give benefits to IIUM community. Several ideas had been proposed by me and my usrah-mates until we finally decided to settle down with a gotong-royong programme. Since we have a lot of people in one class, we decided to divide ourselves into 5 groups so that each of the group could operate in different places inside IIUM. I was grouped into the fourth group and alongside with 4 other members, we decided to do our gotong-royong at Surau Mahallah Asma', which is near to all of our mahallah. Surau Mahallah Asma' is frequently used by many sisters and we figured it'd be best to help to clean and organise the area to accommodate and provide comfort to everyone. 

On the 29th November, 10:30 a.m., we all went to the surau. When we first arrived, there was no one inside the surau which made it easier for us to start on our cleaning session. The surau was not in its best state because we could see that some things like prayer veils and hangers were laying around which made the surau looked messy and unmanageable. Luckily, some cleaning tools like broom and dust pan were nearby so we started the cleaning session right away. 

After one hour and a half later, we finally done with organizing and cleaning sessions. As we all know, our religion really puts forth the importance of cleanliness as being said by our beloved Prophet (SAW) said, "Cleanliness is half of your imaan" which indicated how being in the state of clean is really important. This is because we are deemed to do our ibadah only when our surrounding and us ourselves are clean to do so. When we finished our gotong-royong session, we were happy to see how the surau transformed into a managed place that looked absolutely pleasant for us. We were also happy at the thought of how other sisters will feel happy and comfort when they use the area. 

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